Monday, July 2, 2007

Relaxing Weekend

This past weekend most of the group went away and traveled to far distant lands. I stayed here in town and explored with a small group. We went to the mall in the outskirts of town. It's basically the same thing as the Block in Orange except that they have a pretty crazy food court, and way better desserts at their ice cream shops. Today I hiked to the top of the hill near the castle and saw an incredible view. I'll post some pictures in a few days. Oh and I'm cutting my hair again. It won't look as bad in a few days.


Unknown said...

Oh oh if you can, please take pictures of storefronts inside of malls; smack dab in front of them. Also, food courts, mall seating areas, and any fun mall things you see there.

Research :)

Have a great day! Miss you always!

Unknown said...

Are you cutting it so it's all the same length? I like the length that the hair around the mohawk is.

You really should try to spike that thing before you cut it off. Eggs and vaseline might work...and of course we all wanna see pictures of that :)